Cost Of Barbie Arms With Botox In Dubai & Abu Dhabi | Esthetic Clinic

Curious about the cost of Barbie Arms with Botox In Dubai? This popular cosmetic treatment is known for its ability to trim and shape the arms, giving them a toned, young appearance without surgery. You are not alone in being inquisitive about the cost, perks, and procedure! Many people are flocking to this non-invasive technique to increase their confidence and get a more streamlined appearance. In this tutorial, we’ll go over all you need to know about Botox for Barbie Arms, including what factors affect the cost and how it works. Stay informed and determine whether this unique treatment is appropriate for you!

Quick Facts:

Cost1000AED to 2000AED
Back to workImmediately
Type of procedureNon – Surgical

Botox From Arms:

Botox is the Botulinum Toxin Injection to target muscles and sweat glands in the arms area. Generally, botox is used to remove wrinkles, and fine lines from the face. In recent years, Botox is now common to control sweat in hot temperatures. Botox for sweating treats hyperhidrosis by blocking the neurotransmitter that stimulates sweat glands to release excessive sweat.

Botox from arms treats

  • Excessive sweating
  • Smooth arm wrinkles
  • Reduce bulk on arms
  • Reduce muscles stiffness 

Benefits of Botox From Arms:

Following are the benefits of getting Botox from arms

  • Non-surgical
  • Quick surgery
  • Minimal downtime
  • Reduce sweating
  • Relax muscles
  • Improve mental health
  • Reduce the chance of bad odor

Aims Of Treatment:

Botox for arms is one of the popular treatments that aims to reduce sweating and wrinkles in arms and help people who experience problems of excessive sweating. Sweating is the source of embarrassment for many people and ruins their personality.

Cost Of Botox From Arms:

Starting PriceStandard Price

The cost of Botox from arms initially starts from *** but it may fluctuate according to the requirements of the patient. They can customize their own treatment. After getting this treatment from our clinic, You feel confident about yourself.

Factors That Affects Cost:

The following are the factors that affect cost

Location of the clinic:

Cost of treatment for arms is different from clinic to clinic. If you have a consultation with the surgeon that the clinic is in a good geographical location then you might have to pay higher prices.

Experience and reputation:

Highly skilled and board-certified surgeons that give a good environment to the patients. Cooperative and well-behaved staff leave a good impression on patients that make reputations good and directly influence initial cost.

Patient structure and skin condition:

Structure of your muscles from the treatment area is important to consider because it can change the effects of Botox. The outcome may vary due to skin conditions and it also changes the effects of Botox.

Medical history and age:

The way Botox interacts with the body is impacted by some illness or medication you are taking. It is important to discuss your medical history with your doctor before getting Botox or any other treatment. The dosage of Botox depends on the elasticity of the muscles.

Why Choose Our Clinic:

Our board-certified surgeons and cooperative, well-behaved staff make sure to give you a safe and comfortable environment. Before the treatment, our qualified doctors examine you properly and make sure you are the perfect candidate for surgery by checking your medical history. After getting this treatment from our clinic you are now more confident about your personal life. 

FAQ’s Of Cost Of Barbie Arms With Botox:

It takes a short recovery period

Yes, After botox treatment you'll experience improvement in your underarms

Improvement will take place within 3 to 4 sessions. It lasts for 8 to 10 months

Botox relaxes muscles and removes wrinkles.

Book Us Now!

If you are experiencing situations of bad smell or chubby arms. Reserve a consultation with our skilled doctor and fix your insecurities. book us now at Esthetic Clinic Dubai, Our clinic is famous for Cost Of Barbie Arms With Botox In Dubai & Abu Dhabi. We are offering Botox From Arms at reasonable prices. Our doctors check you thoroughly, furthermore, they ensure that you can get the results that you always wanted.