Mustache Hair Transplant in Dubai & Abu Dhabi Mustache Cost & Deal

Having a thick and stylish mustache is the dream of every man as it is considered the masculinity of men and makes the look of men more attractive. But many men find it difficult to grow their mustache due to different factors such as genetics, hormonal changes, and any injury or trauma. This also lowers the confidence of the men and they also feel embarrassed about their patchy mustaches. But no need to think more about it. If you are suffering from a thin mustache then go for the Mustache Hair Transplant Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Sharjah. This treatment procedure is the best way to restore your hair and will give natural results.

What is Mustache Transplant?

A mustache hair transplant is an emerging cosmetic procedure to get a fuller mustache. In this procedure, the surgeon will remove the hair follicles where you have denser hair growth by the different techniques of Hair Transplant and will then prepare the hair grafts. After that, he will implant the hair on the upper lip area with great efficiency. During the hair transplant usually, 4000 to 7000 hair follicles are implanted at a single time. The whole procedure is the same as getting a hair transplant but this procedure is specially designed for the mustache area. At our clinic, we have highly skilled doctors and surgeons who will perform the procedure according to the facial features of aesthetic goals of the patient.


Mustache Hair Transplant in Dubai Best Mustache Hair Transplant in Dubai Best Mustache Hair Transplant Clinic in Dubai

Best Mustache Hair Transplant Clinic in Dubai & Abu Dhabi Mustache Hair Transplant Clinic in Dubai & Abu Dhabi Mustache Hair Transplant Clinic in Abu Dhabi

Who Needs Mustache Hair Transplant?

Men who have had low hair density since birth or who have scarring on their faces as a result of accidents, burns, or injuries are good candidates for facial hair transplants. The mustache hair transplant is a cosmetic procedure but sometimes it may be necessary for the patient. The surgeon during the consultation will ask about your desired goals and will discuss your medical history and after that, he will tell you if you are the right candidate for the Mustache hair transplant. You can get the treatment if:

  • You have spaces in the mustache 
  • You have thin hair on the upper lips
  • You have difficulty growing your mustache
  • You want to modify your mustache and Beard
  • You want a more aesthetic look by enhancing the mustache

Technique and Procedure:

Mustache hair transplant is performed by two different types of techniques. The FUE and FUE. In FUE the strip of scalp skin is removed which contains hundreds of hair grafts while in FUT the surgeon removes the hair follicles individually using the punching tool. The procedure of a Mustache hair transplant is carried out under local anesthesia and takes about 1 to 2 hours to complete and depending on the goals of the patient. Before starting the Mustache Hair Transplant Dubai & Abu Dhabi the surgeon will prepare the donor area by trimming or shaving the hair which will make the hair extraction easier. After that, he will inject local anesthesia to ensure that the patient remains comfortable during the procedure.

When the area is numbed then he will extract the hair follicles by using any of the techniques of a hair transplant. Then the hair follicles are prepared and they are transformed into the desired shape under a microscope. When the hair grafts are ready then the surgeon will prepare the recipient area and will make tiny incisions using microblades and will transplant them carefully. After implantation, the surgeon will cover the area with compression garments to minimize the chance of inflammation.

Recovery and AfterCare:

After the transplant procedure swelling and redness in the treatment area will appear which will take a few days to fade away. The recovery time after the procedure is a few days. During this time you should take care of the area. The surgeon will give you aftercare instructions that are necessary to follow if you want the best results with no side effects. Some of the aftercare instructions are as follows:

  • To avoid swelling, sleep at a 45-degree angle
  • Keep yourself hydrated and eat soft, easy-to-chew foods
  • Avoid eating salty food which increases the chances of swelling
  • For a month avoid doing strenuous exercises and exposure to the sun
  • Wash the mustache after 4 to 5 days
  • Use medicated medicine or pain killer to minimize pain
  • Do not consume alcohol or smoke as it will delay the healing time

Cost of a Mustache Hair Transplant?

If you want a mustache hair transplant then you may be thinking about the cost of the procedure. Usually, the cost of Mustache Hair Transplant Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Sharjah depends on the number of hair grafts. The price usually starts from 4000 AED, the price will increase and will change for every individual as it depends on the desired goals, location of the clinic, and surgeon’s fees.

Consult Us Today!

We take pride in providing the highest quality care and the best possible results for our patients at Esthetic Clinic. Our skilled surgeons employ cutting-edge techniques and technologies to ensure that you achieve the bold and masculine appearance you desire. So consult us today by filling out the form and we will notify you shortly.