Radio Frequency Treatment in Dubai & Abu Dhabi Radio Frequency Cost

Over time­, the skin naturally shows signs of ageing such as loose or sagging skin, wrinkles, and fine­ lines. In Dubai, non-surgical cosmetic technique­s like radiofrequency the­rapy offer effective­ solutions to combat these indicators of ageing. Radiofreque­ncy therapy stimulates collagen formation, re­sulting in tighter and rejuvenate­d skin. Many individuals opt for radiofrequency facelifts ove­r surgical facelifts due to their le­ss invasive nature. Know more about Radio Frequency Treatment in Dubai & Abu Dhabi by reading the article.

What is Radio Frequency Treatment?

Radio Frequency is a cosmetic proce­dure that aims to tighten and restore­ the youthful glow of the skin. This treatme­nt utilises ultrasound technology, which targets ce­lls containing fatty tissues. Once these­ fat cells are destroye­d, the body eliminates the­m as it would any other waste. Subseque­ntly, through radiofrequency treatme­nt, the tightened skin be­comes achievable. Radiofreque­ncy treatment has the adde­d benefit of enhancing collagen production within the body, leading to overall improve­ments in skin aesthetics. Collage, consisting of a network of fibres rich in four esse­ntial amino acids, is crucial for firmness and combating the signs of ageing.  

Benefits of Radio Frequency Treatment:

  • It is a non-invasive procedure so you don’t need to undergo any anaesthesia or post-surgical complications.
  • It will trigger collagen production which will give plumpiness and youthfulness to the skin.
  • It will treat early signs of ageing and improve the texture of the skin.
  • There are very less chances of risk associated with this skin care treatment.
  • The recovery time is very quick and less complicated.
  • It will also reduce the acne scars or marks on your face.


Before undergoing Radio-frequency treatment in Dubai & Abu Dhabi make certain that you have realistic expectations about the treatment’s outcomes. The prospect must meet the following candidacy requirements to convince the doctor that he or she is a good candidate for the therapy. If you meet the following criteria, you are an excellent candidate for RF radiofrequency treatment:

  • You’re looking for a non-invasive, non-surgical skin rejuvenation or tightening therapy.
  • You have excellent mental and physical well-being.
  • You have lines and wrinkles, expression patterns, freckles, and other flaws.
  • You have additional fat pockets in certain parts of your body.
  • You wish to achieve supple and firm skin in a short period.
  • You wish to remove acne scars or fat from your skin without surgery.

Treatment Procedure:

The procedure takes roughly 20 to 40 minutes, depending on the extent of the afflicted area. You may experience a warm and prickling feeling throughout the operation. Alternating currents are directed on the area being treated utilising a handheld instrument in this process. Ensure that the waves do not harm the skin’s outer layer. By avoiding the amount of melanin pigment, the focused waves create the ideal circumstances for boosting collagen and elastin production. The treatment is good for all skin types and textures. The level of comfort varies from person to person, but the process is normally performed without the need for any medicines.

Recovery and Results:

Because radiofrequency is a non-surgical procedure, it is painless. You may notice some swelling, redness, and discomfort during the recovery period, but this will subside within a few hours. There is no downtime involved with the procedure, and you may return to work immediately. By following a healthy skincare routine, the results of RF therapy can be sustained for a long period. It may take a few days for the final findings to become evident. Multiple sessions will be required to achieve the desired results. Make sure you choose a highly skilled expert to get the best results.

The Price of Radiofrequency Treatment:

The cost of Radio Frequency Treatment in Dubai begins at AED 500 and varies by patient depending on the following factors:

  • Doctor’s skill
  • Geographical location of the clinic
  • Skin condition Skin type
  • The number of sessions
  • The desired outcomes of the candidate

As a result, at the initial appointment, only an expert can determine the actual treatment cost. As every person has a different skin type of concern consulting a dermatologist will be the best option to know more about the cost.

Book an Appointment!

You should use utmost care while selecting a dermatologist for Skin Care to perform the radio frequency treatment. Experience is quite important, therefore look for a qualified and experienced specialist for Radio Frequency Treatment in Dubai & Abu Dhabi. At the Esthetic Clinic, this procedure is being carried out by trained professionals. Fill out the online form on our website to book a consultation with our expert. At our clinic, we also offer free consultations to our first-time clients so what are you waiting for? Contact us and get treatment from the best doctors.