Female Hair Transplant in Dubai & Abu Dhabi - Women Transplant Estheticare Dubai

Have you ever experienced a bad hair day that lasted weeks or even months? For women, thinning hair or bald patches can be a source of embarrassment, anxiety, and low self-esteem. If you’re one of the many women who suffer from hair loss or thinning hair, you’re not alone. Fortunately, advances in medical technology have made it possible for women to restore their hair and confidence through Female Hair Transplant in Dubai & Abu Dhabi. Below we’ll explore the ins and outs of the surgery, from its benefits to the recovery process, so you can feel confident and informed about this life-changing procedure.

Main Goal of the Treatment:

The major objective of the treatment is to provide ladies who are suffering from hair loss or thinning back a fuller, more natural looking head of hair. The main goal of the procedure is to boost the patient’s confidence and self-esteem by enhancing their appearance and hair. The main essence of the treatment is to help ladies rediscover their beauty and feel their best.

Results of Female Transplant Dubai:

Individuals might anticipate gradual and realistic outcomes following a hair replacement. The implanted hair cells will start to grow 3–4 months after the Hair Transplant Treatment, although it may take 6–12 months to notice a noticeable increase in the hairline. The entire development of the final results could be as long as 18 months, but with the right maintenance, the grafted hair can last for many years. People frequently report feeling more self-assured and content with their appearance, which is one of the emotional benefits of the surgery in addition to its visual advantages.

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female hair transplant Clinic in Dubai & Abu Dhabi Best female hair transplant Clinic in Dubai & Abu Dhabi Best female hair transplant Clinic in Dubai

Suitable Contenders:

  • Women who are balding or shedding their hair because of genetics, hormonal changes, illnesses, or trauma
  • Individuals who have strong hair cells in the donor site, which is often on the sides or back of the head
  • Women who have reasonable expectations for how the treatment will turn out
  • Individuals who are dedicated to adhering to their physician’s pre-and post-operative care tips
  • Individuals who have had a thorough assessment by an experienced surgeon to establish candidature

The therapy is not suitable for the following candidates:

  • Ladies who don’t have enough donor hair or a good enough donor area for hair follicle harvesting
  • Those who tend to get keloid scars or other illnesses that could hinder the healing process
  • Women who have an autoimmune condition or who take specific medications that might have an impact on hair growth

Preparatory Guidelines:

To decide if the individual is a good fit for the Female Hair Transplant in Dubai & Abu Dhabi the hair professional will examine the person’s scalp condition and degree of hair loss during the appointment. The professional will go over the patient’s objectives and expectations while also outlining the procedure’s potential dangers and advantages. Also, they will give pre-operative instructions to follow before the surgery.

These guidelines could include:

  • Abstaining from alcohol and smoking before the surgery for a set amount of time
  • Avoiding certain medicines, including blood thinners, for a specific amount of time before the surgery
  • To promote overall health, maintain a nutritious diet and drink lots of water.
  • Keeping your scalp out of the sun as much as possible will prevent skin damage and stunt hair growth.


Based on how many hair follicles are being transplanted, the procedure normally takes a few hours to be done. The majority of the time, the patient can go home the same day.  The steps involved in a female hair transplant are described in detail below:

To numb the scalp and lessen any sensations of discomfort during the process, local anesthetic is initially applied to the donor and recipient locations.

The donating area is then chosen by the surgeon, who typically chooses the sides or back of the scalp because these areas have hair follicles that are biologically resistant to baldness. The doctor then uses micro-punch equipment to remove each hair follicle, leaving just tiny puncture wounds that heal without leaving scars.

The recipient area, where the follicles will be implanted, is then sliced open by the physician. To simulate the normal growth pattern of the hair, the incisions are made at particular angles and in particular directions.

The hairs are then delicately inserted using forceps or small needles into the perforations in the recipient site. To produce a hairline that looks natural, the physician takes care to implanted hairs that are evenly spaced and angled.

Following the implantation of all hair follicles, the scalp is washed and a sterile dressing is put on it. After that, the patient is advised on how to take care of their scalp in the days that follow the surgery.

Techniques Offered At Our Clinic:

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) – The “Puzzle Piece” Technique

FUT, also known as the “puzzle piece” technique, is a hair transplant procedure that involves taking a precise strip of scalp from the donor area and then dissecting it into individual follicular units for transplantation. It’s like finding the missing piece to complete a puzzle. The incision is carefully closed, leaving a thin scar that can be easily concealed with hair. The advantage of this technique is that it allows for the transplantation of a larger number of follicles in a single session, making it suitable for patients with advanced hair loss.

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) – The “Bonsai Gardening” Technique

FUE is a hair transplant technique that involves extracting individual follicular units from the donor area using a tiny punch tool. It’s like the process of bonsai gardening, where individual plants are carefully extracted and replanted in another area. Unlike FUT, FUE does not require a strip of scalp to be removed, and there is no need for sutures or stitches. Instead, small circular incisions are made around each follicular unit, leaving tiny, barely visible scars that heal quickly. FUE Transplant is a great option for patients who prefer a less invasive, no-stitch approach or have a limited donor area.

Aftercare Instructions:

The patient will be given comprehensive instructions by their surgeon on how to take care of their hair and scalp after the treatment. These guidelines might mention the following:

  • For the initial few days after the treatment, you should prevent heavy perspiration and keep the scalp dry.
  • Avoiding strenuous exercise and lifting weights for at least a week following the operation
  • Avoiding hair shampooing for the initial few days that followed the operation, followed by several weeks of moderate shampooing
  • Applying prescription treatments to the scalp as instructed, such as antibiotics or painkillers
  • Avoiding scalp direct sunlight and using sunscreen or a cap when going outside
  • Keeping in touch with the physician for post-operative check-ups to evaluate healing and guarantee the best outcomes.

Cost of Female Hair Transplant Dubai:

 The price of a Female Hair Transplant in Dubai & Abu Dhabi on average may range from AED 7,99 to AED 12,999. The cost however varies for each patient depending on several variables that are all kept into consideration by the hair specialist when determining the actual cost of the treatment.

Schedule a Consultation!

You can now book your appointment with the finest hair specialists only at the Esthetic Clinic Dubai by filling up and submitting the consultation form provided on our website.